Message from the President

Prof. Dr. Md. Aftab Ali Shaikh
President, ICEPSD 2022
In modern era, environment and sustainable development are intertwined with one another. For the safety of the environment we have to be much frugal in the ways to use our natural resources. Indeed, “Environmental Conservation” is unquestionably of great significance to save our earth. Sustainable Development- the new paradigm of this century, advocates about the eflicient utilization of natural resources, protection of the environment, as well as the development of a socially equitable and responsible economic system. Therefore, the global community has to come forward to achieve these pillars of sustainable development goals through the protection of the environment.....
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Mr. Delwar Hossain
Secretary, ICEPSD 2022
Lying on the bank of sea, geographically Bangldesh is a natural disaster prone country. Country’s experience of facing calamities made itself a role model to fight aginst it. Honorable P.M. of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, is leading Vulnerable 20 and Vulnerable Forum to manage world climate change and its disastrous effects.
Bangladesh is growing up an economic power of rampant economy. Development without bringing any change to nature is our desire. Bangladesh Awami League is ....
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Abstract Submission is Now Open: For Details
Deadline for Abstract Submission:
July 31, 2022
Deadline for Registration:
August 10, 2022